Saturday, October 20, 2007

Replica guns seized from collector?

Well, here we go again. The good old UK is still at it. While real bad guys are given a slap on the wrist and turned loose back on society, a peaceful collector of "toys" is raided and his personal property confiscated, just in case. It appears that there is no hope for the poor people of England. Politically correct socialism run amuck.

"Armed police swooped on the flat of a 54-year-old replica pistol collector in Battersea.
They seized 17 replica guns but police admit the man posed no threat to the community."

"This action was taken to pro-actively reduce the threat of firearm incidents in the borough and to prevent any possible tragic consequences should they have made their way into the wrong hands,"

Good luck with that, it should save hundreds of stupid criminals from being shot for committing a crime with a toy.

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