Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Steps...I guess

Little Victories,
I have a small sheet metal shop and do a lot of business with a local branch of a large paint supplier (I won't mention PPG's name here). I am a CCW holder and carry everywhere possible. This paint supplier had posted a "NO GUNS" sign in the front window. Over the past few months I have had several conversations with the shop manager expressing my views on the signs and how I hope that they could remove them so that I don't have to drive the extra 3 miles to the "SW" store. The manager is sympathetic to my position and for a long time he simply laid the sign face down in the front window of the store. This gave us both an excuse, me "I didn't know as I could not see it" and him " it must have fallen down". Recently a district manager informed him that he should put the sign back in the window as per company policy. Today when I went to pick up an order, I noticed the sign and the manager both in the front of the store. I pulled up to the window, honked and waved at him and pointed to the sign. He immediately went over and took it out of the window and placed it behind the counter, I picked my order, and as I left I saw him putting it back up. I know that this is not the right answer and I hope neither of get caught in the act but, it did give me a little chuckle on the way back to work.


Anonymous said...

Well, PPG's property is, after all, their own; and the Constitution is an instrument outlining restrictions against government intruding upon our rights. I would have no problem with them actively enforcing their no guns policy on their property, just as much as I would support your right to drive on by and utilise another vendor.

SMiller said...

I think that it is perfectly legitimate for me to explain to them how I feel about their policy and why, and I will listen to their reasons for posting. It may only take a little education and logical reasoning to get them to reconsider. You never know, it has happened before.